A super priority

A super priority

“What is called ‘genius’ is the abundance of life and health.” — Henry David Thoreau

Whenever you neglect your mental, physical, or spiritual health in order to be “successful,” you are essentially trading your genius. 

But it should be the other way around.

You must go above and beyond to protect and strengthen your genius, which is by far your greatest asset. 

And as you make your health a super-priority, you’ll have everything you need to create from a more authentic, heart-centered place.


Mala beads in northern India.

I’m going to introduce you to my next big challenge very soon. I think you’re going to love it! Stay tuned for more information!

Light Watkins is a keynote speaker, host of The Light Show podcast, and best-selling author of Travel Light, Knowing Where to Look, Bliss More, and The Inner Gym. More at lightwatkins.com or on Instagram.


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