Do you have a bigger purpose?

Do you have a bigger purpose?

This week on The Spiritual Perspective, we're diving deep into a question that's fascinated humans for millennia:

Do we have a life purpose?

While science can't definitively prove the existence of purpose, we'll explore why life's seemingly random events often appear mysteriously connected in hindsight.

We'll tackle the tough questions head-on, such as:

How does purpose intersect with human suffering?

Is conscious awareness of our purpose necessary?

And what about those enduring unimaginable hardship – where does purpose fit in their story?

Join me as we examine these profound questions through a spiritual lens, challenging both skepticism and blind faith to find deeper understanding.

To your growth,




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My passions include keynote speaking, leading meditation retreats, hosting my podcast, and writing self-help books, like Travel Light, Knowing Where to Look, Bliss More, and The Inner Gym. I’ve also got a thriving online community with fun challenges and masterclasses for becoming the best version of you. You can see more about me at or follow my journey on Instagram.