Far from perfect

Far from perfect

I once heard a delivery man get chewed out over the phone by his boss.

Apparently, he delivered the wrong package by accident.

After taking the verbal lashing, he snapped back, “Look, I’m sorry I wasn’t perfect today!”

In How to Win Friends and Influence People, Dale Carnegie wrote:

“Any fool can criticize, complain, and condemn—and most fools do. But it takes character and self-control to be understanding and forgiving.”

If someone wasn’t perfect today, extend them some grace.

They may have done their best under the circumstances.

And on some days, even at our best, we can all be far from perfect.


Can you guess which is the hardest challenge in my online community? It’s the No Complaining challenge, by far. Everyone things they can easily choose not to complain, until you start tracking it. Are you curious to see if you could go 10 full days without a single complaint? If so, get your free two-week trial and give it a go.

My passions include keynote speaking, leading meditation retreats, hosting my podcast, and writing self-help books, like Travel Light, Knowing Where to Look, Bliss More, and The Inner Gym. I’ve also got a thriving online community with fun challenges and masterclasses for becoming the best version of you. You can see more about me at lightwatkins.comor follow my journey on Instagram.