Learning to love midlife

Learning to love midlife

This past summer, I was invited to co-host a workshop at the Modern Elder Academy in Baja, Mexico with this week’s podcast guest, Chip Conley:

Chip and I at the Modern Elder Academy in Baja, Mexico.

MEA started as Chip’s brainchild (he shares the backstory of how it all came together in episode 125 of my podcast),

Chip has dedicated the middle part of his life to helping others re-imagine what it means to be in your “middlescence” years.

And in this week’s podcast episode, Chip is back, and we talk about his newest book, Learning to Love Midlife, where he says: 

“Midlife is not a crisis; it's a chrysalis. It's a transformational period, where we have the chance to shift our lives and find new possibilities.”

He also says:

“The first half of your life is about accumulating, and the second half is about editing... It's about letting go of what no longer serves you.” 

So in this episode, Chip and I talked all things midlife:

  • How Chip’s introduction to midlife began with a near death experience

  • The blah zone

  • Age fluidity

  • How to deal with loneliness

  • Why friendships in midlife are a must-have

  • How past pain is the raw material of your future wisdom

  • The nature of the anti-aging industrial complex

  • And much more…

If you’re in your 40’s, 50’s, or 60’s, you’re officially in midlife, and this episode is for you.

It’ll provide you with several tools for rebranding this stage of life, and understanding why you may be feeling less inclined to accumulate and more inspired to shed what’s no longer serving you and share your wisdom.

So if you’re straightening up your place, or going for a walk, give this episode a listen now, and get ready to see midlife through a new lens.


You can also watch this episode on Youtube.