Manifesting: Real or B.S.?

Manifesting: Real or B.S.?

Manifesting gets a bad rap—mostly because people slap random stuff on a vision board and expect “the universe” to deliver like Amazon Prime.

Here’s the truth: There’s no hard scientific proof that manifesting works.

But—there is research showing how your attention might be shaping your reality without you even realizing it.

And here’s where most people go off the rails when attempting to manifest:

  • They focus too much on making life cushier.

  • They put too much faith in affirmations.

  • They ignore the one factor that separates daydreaming from actually making sh*t happen.

  • Oh, and they completely misinterpret the Law of Attraction.

I don’t want you stuck in a spiritually immature approach to manifesting, wondering why it’s not working.

So this week on The Spiritual Perspective, I’m breaking down what manifesting really is—and how to make it actually work for you.

To your growth,




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My passions include keynote speaking, leading meditation retreats, hosting my podcast, and writing self-help books, like Travel Light, Knowing Where to Look, Bliss More, and The Inner Gym. I’ve also got a thriving online community with fun challenges and masterclasses for becoming the best version of you. You can see more about me at or follow my journey on Instagram.