Worst day ever

Worst day ever

This is a poem by 11th grader Chanie Gorkin. It was originally written for a school assignment, and ended up going viral after it was posted it in a London bar:

Today was the absolute worst day ever

And don’t try to convince me that

There’s something good in every day

Because, when you take a closer look,

This world is a pretty evil place.

Even if

Some goodness does shine through once in a while

Satisfaction and happiness don’t last.

And it’s not true that

It’s all in the mind and heart


True happiness can be obtained

Only if one’s surroundings are good

It’s not true that good exists

I’m sure you can agree that

The reality


My attitude

It’s all beyond my control

And you’ll never in a million years hear me say that

Today was a good day

[Now read it from the bottom to top]


Winters in Mexico City.

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